Fat Witch FAVORs
for details on ordering see INFORMATION

Big Witch in Cello Bag
tied with ribbon
Pick the Big Witch flavor you want and ribbon color
Prices start at $5.25 each

3 Baby Witches in Polka Dot Bag tied with ribbon.
You tell us the Baby Witches you want and ribbon color
Prices start at $9.99 each

Baby Witch in a Cello Bag tied with ribbon.
You tell us which Baby Witch and ribbon color
Prices start at $5.25 each

4 Baby Skyline Box
You pick 4 Baby Witches and we'll put in a nifty box with a gold or silver bow twist.
Prices start at $14.99 each

2 Baby Witch Box with Gold Foil
Pick the Baby Witches you want and ribbon color
Prices start at $7.50 each

2 Baby Witch Clear Box
You tell us the Baby Witches you want us to pack. No ribbon. Box held by Fat Witch label
Prices start at $7.50 each

4 Baby Witch Clear Box
You pick the Baby Witches We'll package in nifty box with gold or silver bow twist. No Ribbon
Prices start at $14.99 each

Custom top label
You create your own top label to be put on the Big or Baby Witch of your choice. See details
Prices start at $5.25 each

4 Baby Witch Clear Box
You pick the Baby Witches We'll package in nifty box with gold or silver bow twist. No Ribbon
Prices start at $14.99 each